1 RV camping ground found in in Stammbach and 46 in surrounding area (from 17022)
1 RV camping ground found in in Stammbach and 46 in surrounding area (from 17022)
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95236 Stammbach, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:at the farmat the farmPrice level:cheapcheapA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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Pitches in Stammbach (1) are displayed up to here
From here there are RV parking spots within a radius of 30 km around Stammbach (46)
Therme Bad Steben - enjoy with all your senses
24,5 km (Distance from Stammbach)95138 Bad Steben, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV park at thermal bath at the outdoor poolindependent RV parkat thermal bathat the outdoor poolPrice level:cheapcheapA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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11,7 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95460 Bad Berneck, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV park designated parking spot near bodies of waterindependent RV parkdesignated parking spotnear bodies of waterat sightPrice level:for freefor freeA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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22,3 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95032 Hof, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:designated parking spot at restaurant near bodies of waterdesignated parking spotat restaurantnear bodies of waterat amusement parkSports facilityat hotelPrice level:cheapcheapA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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29,8 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95199 Thierstein, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV parkindependent RV parkPrice level:cheapcheapA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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12,5 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95493 Bischofsgrün, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV park designated parking spotindependent RV parkdesignated parking spotPrice level:for freefor freeA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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16,8 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95326 Kulmbach, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV park designated parking spot near bodies of waterindependent RV parkdesignated parking spotnear bodies of waterat sightat museumat the outdoor poolPrice level:for freefor freeA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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23,7 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95555 Bayreuth, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV parkType of RV park: MiscellaneousPrice level:cheapcheapA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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26,9 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95189 Saalenstein, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:at the farmat the farmPrice level:cheapcheapA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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22 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95145 Oberkotzau, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV parkindependent RV parkPrice level:cheapcheapA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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24,7 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95632 Wunsiedel, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV parkindependent RV parkPrice level:cheapcheapA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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27,6 km (Distance from Stammbach)
96317 Kronach, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV parkindependent RV parkPrice level:cheapcheapA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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22,9 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95448 Bayreuth, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:at thermal bathat thermal bathPrice level:cheapcheapA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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26,1 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95111 Rehau, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV park at the outdoor poolindependent RV parkat the outdoor poolPrice level:cheapcheapA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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24,9 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95028 Hof, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:designated parking spot at indoor swimming pooldesignated parking spotat indoor swimming poolPrice level:cheapcheapA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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26,1 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95028 Hof, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:designated parking spot at restaurant at sightdesignated parking spotat restaurantat sightat museumSports facilityat hotelPrice level:for freefor freeA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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23,4 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95448 Bayreuth, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV park designated parking spotindependent RV parkdesignated parking spotPrice level:for freefor freeA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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20,2 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95686 Fichtelberg, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV park at restaurant at sightindependent RV parkat restaurantat sightat museumPrice level:for freefor freeA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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18,9 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95158 Kirchenlamitz, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV parkindependent RV parkPrice level:moderatemoderateA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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7 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95339 Wirsberg, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV parkindependent RV parkPrice level:for freefor freeA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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18,4 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95191 Leupoldsgrün, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV parkindependent RV parkPrice level:for freefor freeA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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23,3 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95466 Weidenberg, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV park at restaurant at museumindependent RV parkat restaurantat museumSports facilityPrice level:for freefor freeA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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24,8 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95030 Hof, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV parkindependent RV parkPrice level:cheapcheapA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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27 km (Distance from Stammbach)
95680 Bad Alexandersbad, Bavaria, Germany
Type of RV park:independent RV park at indoor swimming poolindependent RV parkat indoor swimming poolPrice level:cheapcheapA maximum of 10 Stellplätze can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Stellplätze from the comparison.
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